GoodVision India Foundation

Enabling GoodVision For Bharat
impaired people reside in India
9.3 million Visually impaired people reside in India
no access to a pair of glasses
10 Crore Indians have no access to a pair of glasses
1 pair of glass can improve life and wellbeing of a person

We Are Fighting A Global Health Emergency:

GoodVision India Foundation works with the objective to give access to primary vision care for all by making it accessible and affordable.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to expand access to vision care for rural & rurban India. We look forward to addressing avoidable blindness and vision impairment through timely availability and affordability of vision care & support independence lives.

Our Vision:

We envision a world free from avoidable blindness and address curable vision impairment through accessible and affordable eye care.

Fighting A Global Health Emergency

Here's what we are doing:

Eye-screening Camps In Rural India
Eye-screening Camps In Rural India
In an effort to bridge the gap in vision care services, we organize eye-screening camps in rural areas across India. These community-driven initiatives aim to reach those who lack access to basic eye care facilities.
German Technology Eye Glasses
Locally Produced German Technology Eye Glasses
By leveraging German technology and local expertise, we ensure that everyone has access to durable and reliable eyewear at prices that are within reach. Our mission is to make quality eye care accessible to all, enhancing lives and empowering communities through clear vision.
 Affordable Spectacle Dispensing
Affordable Spectacle Dispensing
We offer free eye screenings to ensure early detection and timely intervention for any vision-related issues. Additionally, we provide quality and affordable eyewears to those in need, ensuring that everyone can access essential vision correction solutions.
Cataract Surgeries
Sponsor Cataract Surgeries
Cataract is the silent thief of sight. To prevent avoidable blindness, we collaborate with hospitals to sponsor cataract surgeries for individuals in need. This restores vision and improves the quality of life for those affected by cataracts.
Care Netram Vision Centres

Care Netram Vision Centres

In rural areas across Odisha and Jharkhand, our vision centers serve as vital hubs for primary vision care services. Strategically located to reach remote communities, these centers offer essential eye screenings, consultations, and eyewear prescriptions to those in need.

Book us for an outreach

Would you like us to organize an eye screening camp at your organization or community?

Connect with us today! Drop us an email & we'll get back to you. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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